Generate motion capture quality animation, instantly





We generate motion artificially

With a current and a target position as input, our sequential machine learning model generates high-quality realistic animation, instantly and at a fraction of the cost of the alternatives. 






Combine realism with customisability 

Our approach to motion generation allows for a level of customisability like manual animation, while maintaining motion capture-like realism and quality. Position your character rig, generate an animation and watch your project come to life.





The team

Wolf Gautier

Wolf combines his AI/ML experience as a physicist and researcher at CERN with roles in VC, incubators and strategy consulting. This interface between deep tech and the entrepreneurial ecosystem is where he works best.

Jarec Schouten

Jarec's experience as the financial leader of an A series health tech startup combined with his background in econometrics make him a go-to person for entering a high-tech market with an innovative approach.



Get in touch!

We would love to hear what you think, and how we can help you with bringing the animation in your project to the next level.